
MATCHED by Ally Condie

I know I am not a very active blogger... Maybe if I had a partner blogger.. =D
But if you have read Matched by Ally Condie and have ideas about who could play main character, you can comment below my video on Youtube =)



Soo... I have just added a new layout. But the moment I added it I realised I should maybe change it to something more seasonal. The fact is there are not lots of Christmas wallpapers I really like so it could be harder =/
Too small =D


Hunger Games are comiiiing!

Even though I haven't told you yet I am a HUGE fan of The Hunger Games.
I have started reading Catching fire for the second time =)
And as you may know Catching Fire has a premiere on the 22nd of November.
And the unexpected third trailer has been released and if you haven't already seen it, here it is. Have fun! =) And may the odds be ever in your favor!


Autumn holiday

Looking forward to autumn holidays =) 
Finally a little break after two whole months.
The fact is we do not celebrate Halloween. Instead, each year on the 1st of November all family members go to cemetery and visit our grandpas' and other deceased family members' graves. 
But for you, who celebrate it I wish you HAPPY HALLOWEEN ;-)



I am jealous - children can become anything.

Alice. =)

Are you hungry now? =D

Yeah, I'm a POTTERHEAD. =)

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

Name: Pretty Little Liars
Author: Sara Shepard

ISBN: 978-80-10-02059-1
My rating: 2/5

Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.
What an amazing sentence to start a story. Really powerful story. The idea of it is just great. But the way he book is written was frustrating. As thought it was meant for six-years-old kids. I've read just the first one, I'd rather watch the series, which are cool.
The second thing that has disappointed me is the fact, that in this first book there is so small part of the whole story. There is not much that happened, if you understand me.
If you have already read PLL, comment below and let me know, what you think about it. I would appreciate it =).

The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

Name: The Catcher in the Rye
Author: J. D. Salinger

My rating: 2,3/5

I know, everybody says this is one of the best books ever. I must disagree.
The whole time of reading this story I was waiting for something, that did not happen.
I find this book really boring. A book that is only about protagonist's moods. All the time, he was negative, he was fed up with everything. In the few last pages I was hoping that the last sentence will make the book worth reading. Didn't happen.
So, the summary of the book is - there is no story in it.



Photoshoot for Selena's new album Stars Dance. She looks amazing here =)

Black and white photos <3 (downloaded) 

Emma Watson <3

What about this? =) Awesome!


Wonderful =)

Stars Dance

At this moment I'm listening to Selena's latest album Stars Dance, which I think is quite fine. Well, her style has changed a lot through last 4 years. I think I liked Selena in first seasons of Wizards of Waverly Place, but I think that it is okay, because she is much more famous now.

So this is what I think:

1. Birthday - I didn't think this song is in the album. I just thought it is just for fun, because it is not a song of a big quality in my opinion. But okay.

2. Slow Down - I love this song. Not my style, but it is perfect and I enjoy it really =)

3. Stars Dance - The same again and again... Don't like it that much.Selena's albums are named by the songs that I mostly don't like that much, but it is okay, cuz it fits the genre of her songs in the album.

4. Like a Champion - The song you can't remember how it sounds. Why? Because it is not special and original.

5. Come & Get It - In fact, I think lyrics is a bullshit, but I also have to admit I like this song.

6. Forget Forever - I like this song. It has a small grading and it is original (I mean in comparison with others of her songs).

7. Save The Day - The song is fine and I think I will like it. =)

8. B.E.A.T. - Well, I cannot decided whether I like it or not... =D

9. Write Your Name - The same again and again. But slowly.

10. Undercover - A normal song.



Some pictures I like and I downloaded recently =) Hope you'll like it.

I love HP =)

Well, this is what I'm trying to do.

So wonderful =)

Reminds me of this year's vacation =) I miss it.

So romantic <3 

The world of fantasy... <3